August 19, 2010


Yesterday, Clara and I went to get my weekly/sometimes biweekly van-load of groceries. I always end up with a full cart - so full I have to actually strategically place items in the cart to make sure I have room for everything. We get to the check-out and the lady took one look at my ever-expanding waistline and was almost overly concerned about me lifting my groceries out of my cart. I assured her I would have no problems. They always have someone bagging your groceries for you, which is nice, and most times, they offer to help you out with your groceries. I figured I'd take them up on this offer this time because I had more than normal. Anyway, I pay the un-godly total, turn to grab my cart, notice that bagging lady had disappeared AND that she had filled 2 carts with my groceries. Really? Two carts? How the hell am I supposed to push TWO carts out? And you all know what carts are like - they never steer and pull to one side. I look around, dumbfounded, mutter some profanities to myself and start unloading one cart into the other. Of course, it took me a bit because I had to move all the soft items from the top of cart 1 so I could put the heavy stuff from cart 2 in without smashing things. And the overly concerned check-out lady? Never even turned my direction again. Finally, we head out. I hadn't been able to find my keys to swipe my preferred customer card and I figured I must have left them in the van. I don't usually do that, but the few times I've lost my keys, that's where they are. Clara and I get to the van, I look in the ignition, yep, there they are and I try to pull them out - and I realize I left the van running the entire time. Oh yeah. I'm brilliant. Of course, there is a lady putting groceries in her car right next to my van so it is now obvious that the waddling pregnant lady left her van running for a very long time while she got a cart-load of groceries. I felt like a genius. Thankfully, no one decided to take off with my van. So, pregnancy hormones are making me crazy - October can't get here soon enough!!


Taking Heart said...


Caro said...

Oops! My brain is turning to mush too.

Carrie said...

Can't believe they loaded your groceries into 2 carts..I would have been so pissed! But LOL about leaving the van running. When I was about 37 weeks with #3, I left work and couldn't find my keys..searched everywhere, walked my big pregnant butt down to the car and back twice...only to find the keys in my pocket...SUPER

trooppetrie said...

haha, so glad you are still pregnant and doing well. I think that happens every time I go to the store I have that same issue. i think things multiply in my cart