March 17, 2010

First appointment tomorrow with ultrasound

Tomorrow at 2pm, I'll finally be able to see if this pregnancy is developing like it should. I don't have the horrible feeling that something is wrong this time, which I'm taking as a good sign. Last time, from the very beginning, I had an uneasiness about the pregnancy - it just never felt "right", if that makes any sense. We had seen a heartbeat at 7w2d, but it stopped developing at approx 8w3d. When my hcg levels were undetectable by a urine pregnancy test, that was when I started bleeding at 11 weeks, and the whole process of the miscarriage started. About 18 hours before I started bleeding, I told Husband I didn't feel pregnant anymore. I'm past that gestation and hoping it's alive and well in there. I definitely feel pregnant - nauseated 24 hours a day, with bouts of more severe n&v, peeing all the time, exhaustion, ever so slightly moody :), and my pants are getting a wee bit tight. I actually had to run out of a patient room Monday night because I thought I was going to vomit - and did in the trash can in our locker room. That was oh, so pleasant. I will be buying a tomorrow after my sono if it turns out fine - I resorted to a rubber band to hold my button together yesterday. It's time for a band or bigger pants. I've been running through every scenario that could happen tomorrow and how I would react - non-viable pregnancy, viable pregnancy, twins (a coworker has been trying to bless me with twins, although two babies is the last thing I need. Can you imagine how crazy I would be with worry!?!?) , heart beating but too slow, etc. And Friday will be the due date for the baby I lost - isn't the timing great? Yesterday I thinking about the fact that I would be delivered by now, that I could be holding my newborn...but instead I'm carrying new hope for a new life, one that will hopefully be ready for our arms in October. I'll keep you posted...


Morgan said...

I hope your sonogram goes great tomorrow. That's a good sign that you're still feeling pregnant. Have a wonderful day!

Cindy said...

I hope everything goes well tomorrow!

Heather M said...

Praying for you that it all goes well tomorrow.

Melanie said...

Got my fingers crossed for you tomorrow! I hope everything turns out just how you want!!

Beth said...


Unknown said...

I found out on Monday (the 15th), that the bleeding and cramping that had started on the 8th was indeed a miscarriage.

How soon after your miscarriage did you get pregnant again?

good luck'll be in my thoughts.

Grey-Eyed Mom said...

I'm just an anonymous reader, but I'm saying my prayers for you. I hope everything looks great tomorrow.

Caro said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow

trooppetrie said...

i can not wait to hear how it goes