July 23, 2009

Once a worrier, always a worrier

Today I went to see Doc because I started having lower groin/abdominal pain and left lower back pain. It continued today and into the morning. Of course, being the worrier I am, I immediately started worrying that it was an ectopic pregnancy. I had been on the mini-pill and there is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy if you get pregnant while taking it. I hadn't had any bleeding and the pain wasn't bad, just annoying and there, so I called the office, basically for reassurance. Even though part of me was worried, the rational part figured it was just ligament pain or something totally unrelated to the pregnancy. Well, they told me to come in this afternoon so they could rule it out. Then I really started to worry. But, all is well, pregnancy is in the uterus. I had wondered about my EDD because I had a period June 1 and then June 10 some spotting. Based on the 6-1 I would be 7w4d, but I was measuring 5w6d. There was a heartbeat of 101. Doc said it was a little low, but said it was probably because it's so early and that we'd check on 8-4 to make sure everything was still going okay. I'm trying not to worry, but the next 2 weeks are going to be very, very long. Another interesting thing was when she did the sono, there was the yolk sac with the little flutter of a heartbeat and then what looked to me like a smaller empty sac. Doc didn't say anything about it, so I don't know for sure, and I didn't ask, but I'm kinda wondering if it wasn't initially a twin pregnancy and that one of them stopped developing. I guess it doesn't really matter at this point, all I want is for this little bean to stick around. So, new due date of 3-19-10, and hopefully in 2 weeks, I'll see a good strong heartbeat. Keep your fingers crossed.


Morgan said...

Yey! A March baby! I'm glad your little one is doing well so far!

Prisca: said...

saying prayers here! i remember that groin pain--it freaked me out too!

Taking Heart said...


Joy@WDDCH said...

Congrats! That pain is so normal it isn't even funny (really, it can hurt!).

pinky said...

Wow, congrats on your pregnancy. I have not tuned in for a while it appears.

Of course you will worry. Being an OB nurse how can you not? Also I have a theory that most women will obsess over something during their pregnancy. For me it was downs syndrome because I had worked with downsy folks. I loved the folks I worked with but was deathly afraid it would happen to my baby due to my grand old age of 31. It didn't.

Anonymous said...

my first ultrasound was with planned parenthood (since i didn't plan on going with a regular ob office) they didn't see much of a baby (the lady couldn't even find my uterus for the longest time though - and this was using the transvaginal ultrasound!) you'd think for a clinic of that type they'd find it no problem. they saw the "makings" of a baby and exclaimed that their machine isn't that great anyway...
then when they did my bloodwork it came back at 5500 for 5 weeks pregnant. she called that high and wanted me to come back in because she was "positive" it was ectopic.
I refused. I wasn't having any severe pain or bleeding (and i do understand that it can sneak up on you) and she stalked me for two weeks! calling me every day. i'll tell you what, it got to me emotionally.
I started having lower left round ligament type of pain, which scared me. But i reassured myself that it was fine, because when i pushed on the area it felt better, not worse.
baby is indeed in my uterus.

I look forward to more posts!! you and i seem to be in the same boat. lol.

Anonymous said...

I am pregnant with my 4th child and have had a lot of pain in my groin, lower back, and pelvic area the whole time. I wonder if it is the more babies you have the more pain some people experience. It is definetly a minor problem and my baby is healthy and a month away from delivery but it has had me worried the whole time because I have pretty mellow pregnancies. Good luck and I will be thinking of you for the next two weeks.

Paige Henke said...

This doesn't exactly relate to this post but I needed to get this on your blog. I'm not pregnant but I saw this article today and I am shocked and appalled. Please see: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/parenting/mom-refuses-c-section-baby-taken-away-492112/;_ylt=Alb01vImTb_CMbVAuPRmJ_ZabqU5

I would also love if you could do a post on this.