March 7, 2008

My new exercise routine

Man, if work keeps up at this pace, I'm going to finally get rid of the extra 15 lbs I'm carrying around. Heck with going to the gym, I get more exercise at work! Last night I recovered a c-section, admitted two grand multips for labor, delivered one, admitted an induction, delivered the other multip and got an epidural for my induction. I am beat. And I'm still trying to get back into my groove. Before Isaiah, I would have been a bit better at multi-tasking. But no amount of multi-tasking could have kept me up on charting and patient care. Luckily my two deliveries were similar and pretty low maintenance no epidural kind of gals. They came in because of contractions, but because they both delivered their baby last within 3-4 hours so they came in. They weren't active on admission, but all of a sudden, the baby would drop into the pelvis and then "hey, we have a baby". I'm just glad I was able to get both docs there in time. Another patient who came in had delivered her baby at home. She didn't know she was pregnant and thought something else was going on. By the time the ambulance arrived, she had delivered. The bab looked about 35-36 weeks. The patients who don't know they are pregnant really blow my mind. Can you even imagine truly not knowing, you start having bad stomach pains, stuff leaks out of your vagina and then "man, something's peaking" and you deliver a baby. Most people have 9 months to prepare for the baby, and you still feel unprepared. I just can't imagine how scary it would be. Although part of me thinks people know, but they are in such denial that they can't accept it until they have to. I don't know, I think I would wonder when my period didn't come, I started getting a bigger waist, and the whole fetal movement thing.
I saw the first deduction from daycare for 3 kids and I about died. It could be so much worse, but man, am I glad they only go 2 days a week and Jacob will be in school in August. So painful.


AwkwardMoments said...

you are a busy busy momma ...

if you ever find out, please explain to me how one doesn't know they are pregnant .....

May said...

That sounds insane. I'm with you on the extended denial explanation for women who unexpectedly deliver.

I think if I had to pay for daycare for three out of my paycheck, I would end up owing my employer money every month.

A Lupie Momma said...

I have no idea how people can NOT know that they are pregnant. Maybe I am just more intune with my body than them but I have known each time BEFORE the test came back positive. I mean what is the kicking and uncomfortableness at the end??? How can they ignore that? I don't get it.