December 22, 2008

Maybe I should retire now

I think I just finished the worst shift I have had in my entire nursing career. Yep, yep, I'm certain. Worst Shift Ever. The first 11.5 hours were fine. It all went to hell shortly after 6 a.m.What's funny is I had a feeling something bad would happen. I realized it had been a while since we had a IUFD, and what with Christmas around the corner, we were due. Last year on the same day, I remember one of my co-workers coming in my room (I was post-op c/s) and told me they were delivering a 23 weeker. Ironic. Anyway, a delivery of a stillborn sucks, but when it's a crash situation and mom's life is the one we're rushing to save, it sucks more. Everything happened so fast there wasn't time to process until it was all over. This part of the job never gets easier. People have often said "You must love that you get to rock and hold the babies all night". If only that were all it was. Here's a simple plea: don't use drugs while you are pregnant.Cocaine can cause your placenta to detach itself from your uterine wall. This is BAD if you haven't just delivered your baby. The outcome is not good. Please, for the sake of your baby and yourself. Just don't.


Mrs. Spit said...

That must have been heartbreaking to watch.

It's hard when a family loses a baby for no good reason, but when mum has become so addicted to drugs that she can't make good choices for her babe, that's heart breaking.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry about your night! I too am a labor nurse and had a patient the other night ask me "Whats the smallest baby you've ever delivered?" And before I could stop myself i said, "That survived?" She and her boyfriend (very young) were horrified that some babies don't make it. So to echo your statement: Its not all feeding and rocking babies. It is sometimes the worst job in the world.

Jody said...

Yep we had a mom with a detached placenta last week too. I luckily did Not take care of her. But even hearing of her loss and the reason for her loss (cocaine) made me sick to my stomach.

Yes its very difficult to deal with. And to be sympathetic with too...

Julieann said...

Haven't experienced this yet. Hope I never have to. I mean the DIC and abruption part yea...but Cocaine ugh! I'm sorry girly! :(

Prisca: said...

(((HUGS))) Man, I am so sorry! Had a patient last night in triage who comes in frequently after using cocaine. Really sad that her baby probably won't make it. Sorry this happened to you--and on this of all weeks!!